ASA: Recreational Youth Soccer Program

Our soccer program is open to kids ages 2 1/2 to 18. Usually in the fall we have teams U4 – U18. In the spring, we only have U4 – U12 due to school sports teams. Teams are divided by age group:

Visit for full details on age ranges. The chart above reflects current age ranges for the Fall-Spring 2023-24.

U4 through U8 teams practice and play games at the Appomattox Community Park on Police Tower Road. They play against other teams within ASA at the same level. Practice is one night each week with games Saturday morning.

U10 through U18 are travelling teams. Practice and home games are played at the Appomattox Community Park. Away games are played throughout the surrounding counties. Teams compete against other recreational clubs in the area. To explore where our teams travel, check out CVSRA Fields.

The overall goal of the Appomattox Soccer Association (ASA) is to provide a fun, respectful and safe environment for all kids to learn the fundamentals of soccer.

All of our coaches and team parents are volunteers. They teach players the fundamentals of soccer, good sportsmanship, working as a team, and how to respect others on and off the field. Each level is a building block on the previous one. As players move up in age groups, the skills they learn increase and the game becomes a little more challenging. Score keeping is generally discouraged in the younger leagues as children learn the social aspects of the game while developing skills and good sportsmanship.